w.e.f 01-Jan-2023
1. The fees is Rs 700 per month. A one time admission fee of 300 will be taken.
2. The last day to pay fees is 10th of every month.
2. The fees must be paid in advance, for example, the fees for the month of June should be paid before 10th June.
Fees waive clause
If a student takes leave for one complete month (i.e. from 1st of the month to last day of the month), fees can be waved off, if informed prior.
Drop an email to tsmablr@gmail.com mentioning about the leave.
- Fees wavier clause will not be applicable if the student goes on leave for 1 month without any prior information over email.
- Fees wavier will not be applicable if leave is taken from the mid of one month to the mid of another month.
>If a student takes leave from 10th of April to 10th of May, fees for the month of April and May has to be paid.
>If a student takes leave from 20th of April to 31st May, fees for April has to be paid and not for the month of May.
>If a student takes leave from 1st of April to 20th of May, fees have to be paid for the month of May and not for April.
Belt test fees
Junior Yellow : 300/-
Senior Yellow : 350/-
Orange : 400/-
Green : 450/-
Blue : 500/-
Brown III : 550/-
Brown II : 600/-
Brown I : 650/-